The B2B SaaS Content Marketing Agency Out To Destroy Mediocre Marketing

Organic Growth through SEO & Content Marketing for B2B SaaS Companies

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Tackling Your Toughest Growth Marketing Challenges


Is your SaaS brand failing to generate enough qualified leads? Stratabeat delivers a comprehensive and highly effective marketing framework to increase SQOs, MRR, ARR, and retention rates.

Stratabeat fixes the root causes plaguing your marketing, like:

  • Weak marketing strategies that aren’t generating enough free trials and product demos
  • Ineffective SEO that’s not lowering your customer acquisition costs (CAC)
  • Content that isn’t converting to SQLs and pipeline growth.

If you’re facing a situation where you’re expected to do more with less, we get it. Stratabeat develops marketing strategies and content plans that deliver startup friendly, efficient quick-wins alongside those delivering long-term, compound results.

Plus, we’re the only B2B SaaS marketing agency that examines verified ICP-content fit, applies behavioral intelligence for more qualified leads, and optimizes for conversions just as much as for traffic.

Working with Stratabeat has been a true partnership. Their strategic guidance has been invaluable… They continuously uncover new ways to drive traffic and leads and are fully collaborative in their approach to execution.

Stacey Epstein CMO

Here’s what Stratabeat delivers:

Advanced Strategies

Get ready for precision-engineered SEO and content marketing campaigns. We conduct deeper SERP analysis, offer digital asset acquisition, and go beyond what your competitors are doing.

More Visibility & Qualified Traffic

Grow your brand awareness and get in front of your ideal customers without increasing your paid media budget.

We are the only agency that uses IP detection software to tell you exactly which companies are visiting your website, what content they are consuming, where they came from, and when. This data proves that our content attracts the right visitors, not just more visitors.

Higher Conversion Rates

By integrating SEO and B2B content marketing with advanced conversion rate optimization, we turn website visitors into leads, and leads into customers.

In fact, we are the only B2B content marketing agency that applies neuroscience principles and recommendations from behavioral analytics and heat maps to your website design and content for more qualified leads.

Increased Demo and Free Trial Sign-ups

Whether product-led content, interactive demos, or free tools, our strategies are effective in driving qualified leads.

The Dedication You Deserve

Our unique model means each Stratabeat strategist works with only 2-3 clients, making us a true extension of your in-house marketing team.

The team at Stratabeat took the time to understand the industry and discovered key branding differentiators for us that required minimal changes or edits when presented to key stakeholders.

That’s how much time they invest in getting it right the first time in order to start implementing true change to your company immediately. Their marketing expertise, particularly in the SaaS space, showed when they helped us formulate more precise conversion points on our website for further lead generation.

Jessica Aceto SaaS Sales & Marketing Manager

Driving Greater SaaS Growth

B2B companies generate 2X more revenue from organic search than any other channel. That’s why SEO is baked into our content strategies. Hear straight from Tom Shapiro, CEO at Stratabeat and author of Rethink Lead Generation and Rethink Your Marketing, about getting greater results from your SaaS content marketing program.


Organic Growth Strategies For the Boldest SaaS Brands

Fed up with underperforming SEO tactics? Stratabeat is set to turn your expectations on their head. We will point out things you’ve never heard from other agencies.

Our team crafts sophisticated, high-impact B2B SaaS marketing strategies that get you more traffic, demo requests, and free trials.

Let’s go beyond the basics. Our services and solutions position you in front of untapped audiences and strengthen your lead generation with advanced techniques like deep SERP analysis, creative content creation, interactive demos, original research, free tools and templates, strategic digital asset acquisition, precision ICP-content alignment, behavioral intelligence, and conversion rate optimization.

Woman sitting on mountain top

Our Crystal Clear Mission

We’re 100% focused on organic growth for B2B software companies.

Why Are We So Into Organic Growth?

We’re in the business of building real brand authority that leads to sustainable, compound growth. Why would a SaaS want to rent an audience through advertising when you can instead earn their trust and loyalty?

Our focus on long-term organic strategies dramatically reduces your customer acquisition cost (CAC). By prioritizing sustainable growth through expert SEO, content optimization, and CRO, we provide continuous business results without the recurring costs associated with paid marketing channels.

Here’s why an investment in B2B SEO and content marketing is so impactful:

Compound Growth

Our methods are crafted for durability, ensuring your brand remains relevant and robust against market shifts and algorithm updates.

Authority Building

We enhance your site’s SEO and secure high-quality mentions and backlinks, establishing your brand as a trusted authority in your industry.

Targeted Reach

Our strategies ensure that you connect with the right audience at the optimal time, maximizing both impact and ROI.

Cost Effectiveness

Unlike PPC, which requires ongoing investment for short-term gains, our organic growth tactics provide a more sustainable and economical approach, akin to earning compound interest on your marketing investments.

A Marketing Plan That Meets Your Goals

Our SaaS clients praise our SEO team’s full-service approach to organic growth. Need more BOFU content? Need a more powerful hook? Need an employee advocacy strategy? Need a product marketing pick-me-up? Need new social media marketing messaging? Need an interactive demo? We’ll tell you so, and we’re here to help.

“Not our job” is not in our vocabulary. Instead, we’re your trusted advisors, ready to help you destroy mediocre marketing. From in-depth audience research to full-funnel and crazy creative content marketing strategies, and advanced technical SEO analysis, we leave no stone unturned.

Your SaaS Deserves 7,235.7% Growth

Stratabeat increased monthly organic traffic by 7,235.7% and grew monthly organic traffic value by $682,088 for a B2B client, helping our client add 252 employees within three years. What would 7,235.7% growth look like for YOUR business? What would YOU do with an extra $8M+ this year?

Ready for your content to yield continuous, compounding returns?

Let’s Talk

Build an Organic Growth Engine

B2B SaaS Content Marketing Services

Audience Insights: Unearth your target audience’s desires through deep-dive interviews with your sales team, subject matter experts, and direct customer conversations. We even analyze sales call recordings.

Content Marketing Strategy: Craft high-quality content in any format that cuts through the noise, captivates, and converts.

SEO Strategy Development: Design a roadmap to SEO success that aligns with your business goals.

Topic & Keyword Research: Discover and target keywords that attract and engage your ideal customers.

SEO Audits: Evaluate your website’s SEO health, pinpoint issues, and apply necessary fixes to enhance performance.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Boost visitor-to-lead conversion rates, optimizing landing pages for higher ROI.

Competitive & SERP Analysis: Master your competitive landscape and dominate search results

Technical SEO: Fine-tune your site’s backend to ensure peak performance in search engine rankings.

Content Development: Produce optimized content for your blog, whitepapers, video, LinkedIn, and anything else that will help you increase your organic visibility and traffic.

Optimized Design & Content Briefs: Craft the ideal foundation for effective content writing and design work hand in hand with SEO.

SEO Topic Clusters: Build your topical authority with strategically interconnected content.

Blog, Content, & YouTube SEO: Expand your digital footprint and enhance engagement across all platforms and formats.

On-Page SEO: Detailed on-page optimization of content and meta-data for maximum SEO impact.

International SEO: Scale your brand globally with SaaS SEO strategies tailored for international markets.

Review Site Optimization: We enhance your presence on SaaS review sites, crafting SEO-optimized, high-quality content to boost your credibility and visibility.

Passive Link Building: Build authority effortlessly through creative content strategies, digital PR, and other targeted offsite initiatives.

Behavioral Intelligence: Decode the digital body language of your visitors to continuously refine the user experience and boost your conversions.

GA4 Audit & Configuration: Streamline your transition to Google Analytics 4 with expert audits and configurations for better data insight and usage.

Analytics, Data Analysis, & Reporting: Monitor, adjust, and optimize your strategies based on data-driven insights.

SEO Consulting: From neuromarketing and web development recommendations to search engine optimization workshops and podcast outreach guidance, our team will go beyond best practices to meet your marketing needs and to help you land the leads and achieve the MRR you’re after.

Neuroscience & Behavioral Insights for Outstanding Results

It isn’t enough to get qualified traffic to your site. You need to convert that traffic. That’s why understanding the psychological and behavioral triggers that drive engagement, conversions, and sales conversations is the Stratabeat Standard.

With Stratabeat, it’s not just about climbing the rankings to the first page—it’s about applying brain science to your marketing for greater revenue and business results.

CRO Services

Our Exclusive 300 B2B SaaS Website Database

Stratabeat’s database of 300 B2B SaaS websites (that’s continually updated throughout the year) gives us a key advantage over other content agencies. We dive deep into real data, extracting actionable SEO insights that others simply speculate about. Our proactive analysis reveals the tactics that actually drive success in the B2B SaaS industry today. We use this knowledge to supercharge your SEO strategy and give you an edge over your competitors.

Get the SEO Benchmark Report

A Stellar Track Record

Our clients’ journeys from potential to powerhouses are a testament to the real, tangible growth we catalyze.

For an influencer marketing SaaS, we helped them grow from ZERO to 20k active users and then were SOLD to one of the largest agencies in the world. For a legal practice management SaaS, we increased leads by 427% within seven months.

From quadrupling leads within the first year of a B2B fintech company’s website launch to generating 5X growth for a property management SaaS platform, our strategies are proven, powerful, and pivotal to the success stories we help write.

So don’t settle for mediocre! Get ready for the results you’ve been dreaming of.

Woman working on laptop

We’re so happy to have found Stratabeat. They made it a point to really understand our market and business goals. Their attention to detail, thorough and frequent status updates, and search mastery have made them a pleasure to work with.

Personalized Marketing Expertise

At Stratabeat, you’re one of few—not one of many. Unlike our competitors, who may juggle 8+ (sometimes 30+!) accounts per specialist, we limit our account load to only 2-3 per marketing expert, acting as a true extension of your marketing team.

Why does this matter? Because it means we can provide you with the dedicated attention and focus you deserve.

We’re not just another vendor. Imagine partnering with a B2B SaaS content marketing agency that is fully invested in your success, knows your goals inside and out, and is just a call away. That’s what you get with Stratabeat.

Stratabeat discussing a client's project


Matching your content with the search intent and terms your audience uses is vital for navigating the Google algorithm’s complexities. This alignment ensures your content reaches the right audiences and addresses their specific needs, leading to more effective engagement, higher relevance in search results, and ultimately, improved conversion rates.

A B2B SaaS content marketing agency enhances lead generation by optimizing your content to meet the specific search intents of decision-makers within your target industries. We focus on generating high-quality leads by improving your visibility for strategic topics, enhancing the user experience on your landing pages, and providing valuable content that converts visitors into leads – and leads into customers.

Imagine appearing on a search engine results page at the exact moment a buyer is looking for a SaaS product like yours — meeting them exactly where they are in the customer journey. In B2B SEO, content is crafted to meet the search intent of your buyer personas, turning every piece of content into a lead magnet. From internal links and backlinks to long-tail keywords and meta descriptions, Stratabeat ensures every piece of content resonates to drive traffic and attract quality MQLs and SQLs.

B2B SEO and content marketing isn’t about casting a wide net—it’s precision fishing in the right ponds. We zero in on industries, niches, and decision-makers, transforming quality content and thought leadership pieces into quality leads, lasting partnerships, and ARR.

While SEO and content marketing are powerful, integrating it with our atomization services and a comprehensive marketing mix—email marketing, social media, and PR—amplifies your marketing strategy that’s more than the sum of its parts.

We enhance content with comprehensive SEO, content atomization, and atomization of your diverse marketing mix. This approach ensures your marketing efforts are complete and compelling, maximizing impact, ROI, and delivering superior results.

For low-risk categories such as an inexpensive software subscription, paid media is a good tactic to include in your marketing mix. If your audience does not need to do a lot of research on your product or service, paid media can be very successful for you.

In this instance, we should choose option C: Both. We believe SEO and PPC can work well hand-in-hand.

For B2B SaaS businesses with more expensive products, there are certainly short-term uses for paid media such as testing new messaging and conducting short-term promotions. But relying too heavily on paid media for driving growth is a short-sighted approach that can be risky for your business.

Because when it comes to categories of higher risk and high interest, your prospect’s research phase is longer and your audience is prone to distrust advertisements during this research phase.

If you’re aiming for long-term compound growth looking to organic marketing is the most cost effective approach.

Any product marketing manager knows that UI and UX are essential. But what about blog content? Still essential! That’s why we dive so deep.

Beyond enhancing SEO rankings, a top-tier website design and user experience directly influence conversion rates. It ensures that every visitor can smoothly interact with your site and navigate through your marketing funnel, significantly elevating the effectiveness of your SaaS marketing strategy and maximizing return on investment.

After all, your website is your future users’ first impression of your product. You need them to see and believe that it’s easy to use!

Any decent digital marketing agency will tell you: effective SEO and content marketing take time to build momentum. But with our focus on quick-win keywords and targeted CRO recommendations, early successes are common within 3-6 months of onboarding, depending on your industry, competition, and the current state of your SaaS website.

Our marketing firm only works with B2B companies (business-to-business; no e-commerce whatsoever).

Our agency is niched down to the following industries:

  • Software / SaaS companies
  • Fintech companies
  • Healthcare Technology companies
  • Green Tech companies
  • Tech companies
  • Venture Capital / Investment Firms

Yes! We excel in crafting globally resonant content strategies, adapting your message to engage international markets effectively while optimizing for regional search engine variations.

We believe in the power of data-driven decision-making. We employ advanced tracking tools to continuously monitor your SEO content’s performance across various metrics, including SERP standings. Our reports give insights into what’s working, what’s not, and where the hidden opportunities lie for your content. We’re committed to constant innovation, using A/B testing and detailed analysis to refine and elevate your strategy at every turn, ensuring that our content solutions deliver maximum impact.

We are on a mission to destroy mediocre marketing.

Stratabeat blends neuroscience with proven strategic marketing and deep SEO expertise to do more than just drive traffic—we fuel substantial growth. Our approach involves a profound understanding of your audience, enabling us to deliver impactful results that truly matter.

We’re the only B2B SaaS SEO agency that directly ties ICP identification with organic traffic. We’re the only ones who apply behavioral intelligence to content performance. We’re the only agency with a database of 300 B2B SaaS websites that we’re continually analyzing to understand what drives SEO performance, and what doesn’t. And we’re the only ones who focus just as much on CRO as SEO.

Simply put, we go deeper to ensure your content marketing success.

Get More SQLs & a Fuller Pipeline

Ready for greater performance with a B2B SaaS content marketing agency that goes deeper with its data analysis, uses brain science to achieve greater impact, identifies the specific companies on your website to ensure ICP-content fit, uses behavioral intelligence for higher conversion rates, and proactively champions tailored strategies to achieve your marketing goals? Let’s talk!