Let’s Destroy Mediocre Marketing (A Rallying Cry!)

Why is there so much mediocre marketing in B2B? Why is it that so many lack a clear strategy, creativity, and a backbone? Why is so much of it boring?
I’m not saying that all B2Bs fall into this category. But for some reason, there are a lot that do.
Let’s look at the mistakes that many B2B companies make when executing their branding and marketing.
I visited a dozen accounting SaaS websites earlier today. What do I see at the top of many of the home pages? Bland messaging like “All-in-one accounting software,” “Accounting and payroll software,” and “Online accounting software, built for your business.”
This is not what anyone would call captivating.
I was talking with a company in the financial services space with $300 million in VC funding. They invested a great deal in video marketing. Yet, when we audited their collection of videos, everything was internally focused (about the company, about their solutions, about their technology, etc.). There was nothing about their customers. No storytelling. No creativity. And nothing compelling enough to make any human being want to remember or share the videos with others. (It’s not surprising that their business has shrunk by roughly 40%.)
It’s time for better marketing. More strategic marketing. Stronger marketing.
But how? Where do you start?
Read on, and discover 10 ways to send your audience’s thrill-o-meter off the charts!