Marketing Strategy Blog

What Makes the Best B2B SaaS Websites So Great? [Elements + Examples]

B2B websites hero image

With website and blog SEO holding the second-place title in B2B marketing strategies, it’s clear your online presence can make or break your business.

However, building a website that attracts visitors and converts them into loyal customers requires a strategic approach. What key ingredients separate high-performing, successful SaaS websites from the rest?

Our comprehensive guide will cover the essential elements, with examples from the best SaaS websites, to help your website stand out.

What Makes a Great B2B SaaS Website?

Let’s look at some data—for a typical B2B website, about 63 out of 100 visitors leave after viewing only one page. Of course, it could mean your visitors have specific information needs and may find what they’re looking for on a single page.

At the same time, you still want to reduce this rate by engaging visitors and encouraging them to explore more content. Here are four fundamentals of a well-designed website:

Creative and Functional Design

An ideal B2B SaaS website balances visual appeal and practical functionality. Your SaaS website design should reflect your brand’s identity and appeal to your target audience using color schemes, typography, and imagery. At the same time, create an intuitive and user-friendly layout with straightforward navigation and easy access to essential information and features.

Content and SEO

Create B2B SEO content that addresses their target audience’s pain points and needs based on thorough audience segmentation to provide specific solutions for different user groups. Tailoring content to these segments through targeted keyword research improves search engine rankings for relevant keywords and phrases. The targeted approach boosts organic traffic and ensures visitors find exactly what they want, increasing satisfaction and conversions.

User Experience

User experience involves creating a site that’s easy to navigate and has a logical structure that allows visitors to find information quickly. Responsiveness is also crucial—the site must function flawlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. A smooth, intuitive user experience reduces frustration, keeps visitors on the site longer, and improves their chances of taking desired actions.

Conversion Optimization

Place clear, compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) at key points throughout the site. Guide visitors through a logical journey, from awareness to consideration to decision, with appropriate content and offers at each stage. Conversion optimization also includes design elements like trust signals, customer testimonials, and easy-to-access pricing information.

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Essential Elements of the Best B2B SaaS Websites

SaaS Homepage Design

A homepage is your first impression with potential customers. It needs to quickly communicate the product’s value, grab attention, and guide visitors toward taking action.

Crucially, an effective homepage design understands its audience. Your messaging and design can resonate more deeply with specific groups by segmenting your audience based on factors like industry, demographics, or interests. A personalized approach not only improves user experience but also impacts SEO.

Our 2024 B2B SaaS SEO Performance Report reveals a staggering difference: websites that segment their target audience by industry achieved an average increase of 43.4% in Google’s Top 10 organic ranking keywords, while those without segmentation experienced a decline of -37.6%.

How does this play out? It’s easy to see on Sprout Social’s homepage.

Here’s why:

The page opens with a clear, jargon-free value proposition: “A powerful solution for social media management.” This immediately tells visitors what Sprout Social offers.

sprout social homepage with a green background and screenshots of the product on the right side which also includes social proof at the bottom of the homepage

But it doesn’t stop there.

The homepage backs up this claim with visual proof. Screenshots of the product in action give potential customers a glimpse of what they’d be using.

Importantly, the page makes it easy for visitors to take action. Prominent “Start your free trial” and “Request a demo” buttons are strategically placed to capture interest.

Trust is crucial in B2B sales, which is why Sprout Social displays the logos of well-known clients and their “G2’s #1 Best Overall Software Product for 2024” award.

Sprout social product feature description and an award from G2 with "Best Overall Software Product for 2024" with a green background and three main product features

The homepage also outlines key product features that are manageable for visitors. For example, it highlights benefits like “See value faster” and “Capture insights with ease.”

Visually, the page strikes a balance between aesthetics and functionality. The clean green and white color scheme aligns with their brand and ensures easy navigation.
But here’s what really sets it apart:

Sprout Social showcases its versatility by displaying logos of popular platforms it integrates. This quickly communicates compatibility with tools potential customers might already use.

And to drive the point home, they share impressive performance metrics at the bottom of the page. Like this: “80%+ reduction in average time to first response.”

With its homepage, Sprout Social gives visitors a clear understanding of their product while encouraging further engagement.

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Landing Pages

Landing pages are standalone web pages designed with a single, focused objective: to convert visitors into leads or customers. Unlike a SaaS company’s homepage, which is a general introduction to your company and its offerings, a landing page is laser-focused on a specific campaign or offer.

Why do they matter?

Landing pages eliminate distractions and guide visitors toward a single call to action (CTA), increasing the likelihood of conversion.

You can tailor the messaging and design of a landing page to resonate with a specific audience segment, improving engagement and relevance.

It’s no wonder that a significant portion of marketers, 44%, according to HubSpot, rely heavily on landing pages as their primary lead generation tool. Segmentation allows you to gather valuable information like email addresses for future nurturing.

Our report also shows that websites offering original research on their landing pages increase organic traffic by an average of 41.2%, compared to just 14.9% for those without. Among the B2B websites that successfully increased organic traffic through original research, the average increase was an impressive 45.5%. Including unique, data-driven insights can improve both user engagement and SEO.

Interactive tools, such as calculators, quizzes, or configurators, can also enhance the user experience and increase time spent on the page. Increased engagement can lead to better conversion rates and improved search engine rankings.

Project management tool Scoro’s landing page for event services shows several elements in action. At the top, a clear value proposition outlines key features like coordinating budgets, managing delivery, and controlling profitability.

Scoro homepage featuring a purple background and an image of the product on the right side. It includes a red CTA stating "Try for free" with reviews from G2, Capterra, and GetApp

The page prominently displays a “Try for free” button in a contrasting color, making it easy for interested visitors to take action.

Scoro also includes a visual preview of its software interface, helping potential customers understand what the product looks like and how they might use it.

To build trust, Scoro displays testimonials from actual customers as social proof.

social proof on Scoro website titled "Why businesses trust Scoro" with James Sykes and Jodie Gibbons, customers of Scoro

Scoro highlights key features such as used hours tracking, project profit percentage, and budget management as you scroll down. Each feature is illustrated and briefly explained, giving visitors a quick software overview.

product features with keep costs under control and get paid for all your work with screenshots over a blue background and red text CTAs

The page’s overall design is clean and simple, using plenty of white space and a limited color palette. This approach makes the page easy to read and prevents visitors from being overwhelmed with too much information at once.

Pricing Page Design

The pricing page directly influences purchasing decisions, so you need to be clear and transparent about your pricing.

Email marketing tool EmailBulkSender offers distinct pricing tiers catering to different customer needs and budgets. Each tier has a descriptive name (e.g., “Basic,” “Standard,” “Premium) and a clear price point.

a pricing page featuring three pricing tiers, basic, standard and premium with the standard tier being the most popular as indicated with a blue border titled "Most Popular"

The website also uses a table to highlight the key features included in each tier. A side-by-side comparison emphasizes the unique value propositions of higher tiers.

One handy feature is the dynamic pricing slider.

The slider allows customers to adjust the number of emails they wish to purchase, and the corresponding price automatically updates in real time.

Pricing bar with a blue and gradient button showing 20000 emails costing $20 a month to send

Here’s what Farhan Siraj, Co-Founder of EmailBulkSender, had to say about the reasoning behind this slider:

“My goal was to make sure that customers clearly understand what they are paying for and can see how the price scales with their needs. There’s nothing extremely unique or creative about this feature, but I believe it is crucial to maintain a serious and transparent approach to pricing.”

The slider eliminates hidden fees or complex pricing structures. It clearly states what’s included in each plan and any potential add-ons.

Apart from this, other standout details on the pricing page include:

  • A strong, action-oriented CTA—”Buy Now”
  • Clean web design, ample white space to improve readability
  • Most popular plan highlighted reduces decision fatigue

A transparent pricing structure reinforces trust and simplifies the decision for potential customers.

Integration and Product Pages

Integration pages showcase the various third-party apps, platforms, or services your software integrates with. They highlight the benefits of these integrations, such as streamlined workflows, data syncing, or enhanced functionality.

A product integration page shows how your product fits into a broader ecosystem of tools, making it more attractive to businesses already using those other platforms.

Each integration partner can bring new users to your website who are specifically looking for solutions compatible with their existing tools. A dedicated integration page demonstrates a commitment to collaboration with other companies, potentially leading to stronger partnerships and co-marketing opportunities.

Zapier, an automation platform, excels in its integration and product page strategy:

The page displays a massive library of apps (over 7,000), categorized and searchable, immediately demonstrating Zapier’s versatility.

Zapier integration and app search

Each app integration page highlights the specific benefits and use cases, explaining how the integration saves time and automates tasks.

You can filter by app category, popularity, or new launches, making it easy to find relevant integrations. The page also includes “Premium” and “Beta” labels to highlight specific partners—driving traffic to those apps and strengthening relationships.

A well-organized integrations page makes it easy for visitors to find the integration that best suits their needs and expands the usability of a tool.

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Resource Centers and Blogs

Resource centers and blogs establish thought leadership and boost SEO.

Educational SaaS content marketing positions your company as an industry expert. It shows potential customers you know your stuff and can help solve their problems.

But that’s not all.

Regularly updated blogs and resource centers significantly impact organic traffic. How much? According to our report, websites publishing 9+ blog posts per month saw a 41.5% increase in Google monthly organic traffic year-over-year.

Compare that to B2B websites blogging just 1-4 times monthly. They only saw a 21.3% increase.

Even more impressive? For those high-frequency bloggers who did see an increase, the average jump was a whopping 51.7%.

Mention, a social listening tool, offers a comprehensive resource center. It’s packed with guides, case studies, and webinars—all structured for easy navigation and engagement.

But here’s what sets it apart:

The company explains its user-friendly approach as follows: “We’ve added a sticky table of contents to the left side of the page so readers can easily identify each article’s main categories. On mobile, the ToC is at the bottom of the screen.”

Blog-specific pages are easy to navigate. Lucas Carval, Growth Specialist at Mention, recently revamped the blog template.

This attention to detail makes it easy for visitors to find exactly what they want, making them more likely to stick around and engage with the content.

  • “We’ve added a sticky table of contents to the left side of the page so readers can easily identify each article’s main categories. On mobile, the ToC is at the bottom of the screen.
  • A progression bar has been added to help know how far each person is into the article.
  • The Read More section has been modified only to recommend articles in the same category instead of the newest articles. This improves internal linking by only pointing to relevant content and improves CTR on those pages.
  • We’ve removed our author page links, as they were causing us some canonical issues, which improved our technical SEO.

With all these modifications, the blog has received ~2000 more visits daily than before the template change.”

You can create a resource center that attracts and educates your target audience by following Mention’s example of creating well-structured, easy-to-navigate, and informative content.

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Interactive Features

Interactive elements like calculators and custom tools provide personalized value that can boost conversions.

Our study found that websites offering free online tools, such as ROI or TCO calculators, saw a 33.0% increase in Google’s Top 10 organic ranking keywords.

But here’s the kicker:

B2B Websites without these tools? They experienced a 28.9% decline in the same metric.

That’s a massive difference in search visibility and potential traffic.

HubSpot’s ROI Calculator is a prime example of an effective interactive tool that can also be used as a powerful lead-generation machine.

Here’s why it works:

  • Personalization: Users input their specific business data, including industry, region, and marketing metrics.
  • Immediate value: The tool instantly calculates potential ROI, giving users a tangible reason to consider HubSpot’s products.
  • Visual appeal: The clean, user-friendly interface makes it easy to use and understand the results.
  • Multiple products: Users can calculate ROI for different HubSpot products, encouraging exploration of the full suite.
  • Lead capture: To get detailed results, users must provide contact information – a smart way to generate qualified leads.

But here’s the real genius:

The tool builds credibility by basing calculations on data from 216,000+ HubSpot customers globally.

Tools like this provide immediate value while simultaneously showcasing the product’s potential impact.

“If you’re a B2B SaaS, you should be offering interactive demos in your website,” says Tom Shapiro, CEO of Stratabeat. “It’s the fast path to more demos, more sales meetings, and more pipeline. Not everyone on your website is ready to schedule a demo with your sales team.”

He adds: “In fact, I’d argue that 90%+ of your site traffic falls in that category. They are simply not going to book time with your team right now, regardless of how awesome your CTAs might be. But… Why not give them the option to get a demo right now without any friction?”

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Mobile Optimization and Accessibility

Responsive design, which adapts the layout and content to different screen sizes, is necessary to reach a wider audience and provide a seamless user experience.

According to the World Health Organization and the CDC, 16% of the world’s population and 26% of the U.S. population have a disability. That’s over 1 billion people worldwide and around 86 million in the U.S. alone.

Let that sink in.

If your SaaS platform’s website isn’t accessible, you may miss out on a massive chunk of your market.

Plus, not only is designing for accessibility a matter of inclusivity and ethical responsibility, but it also has legal implications. Many countries have regulations requiring websites to be accessible to people with disabilities.

So, how can you improve your website’s mobile optimization and accessibility?

  • Responsive design: Ensure your website automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing an optimal viewing experience across devices.
  • Clear navigation: Use a simple and intuitive menu structure that is easy to navigate on smaller screens. Consider using a hamburger menu or a sticky navigation bar for improved usability.
  • Font size and contrast: Choose legible fonts and ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors to improve readability for visually impaired users.
  • Touch targets: Make sure buttons and links are large enough and have enough space around them to be easily tapped with a finger.
  • Alternative text for images: Provide descriptive alternative text for images so that screen readers can convey their content to visually impaired users.
  • Keyboard navigation: Ensure that all website functionalities can be accessed and operated using a keyboard alone, as some users may not be able to use a mouse.
  • Testing: Regularly test your website on different devices and screen sizes and with assistive technologies like screen readers to identify and fix any accessibility issues.

Utilizing these guidelines and tools will help you create a B2B SaaS site that is visually appealing and widely accessible.

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Use of AI and Advanced Technologies

AI can improve your website by adding features like personalized SaaS product recommendations and intelligent search capabilities. For example, AI-powered chatbots can understand natural language, provide instant customer support, and even guide users through the sales funnel.

Calendly’s chatbot, for instance, uses NLP to understand user queries in natural language, making interactions more intuitive and conversational.

calendly homepage with a chatbot discussion on the right with blue text from the user and gray text from calendly chatbot

The chatbot eliminates the need for users to navigate complex menus or search for answers.

The AI chatbot could suggest the most relevant scheduling options or resources by analyzing user behavior and preferences.

Plus, unlike human agents, AI chatbots provide instant assistance around the clock. This ensures that users promptly get the help they need to improve overall satisfaction.

AI-powered chatbots learn and improve over time. They can refine their responses and recommendations as they interact with more users.

“While AI-generated content has its place, the future lies in using AI more strategically to enhance human creativity and productivity,” says Ginger Shimp, Global Content Lead at SAP. “This includes leveraging AI for tasks like data analysis, content optimization, and even personalized content recommendations.”

Social Proof and Trust Signals

Potential customers need assurance that your product delivers on its promises and can solve their specific challenges.

Testimonials, case studies, and client logos validate your claims and demonstrate your solution’s value to others. They allow potential buyers to see themselves in the success stories of others, reinforcing the idea that your solution can work for them, too.

Hotjar has a dedicated case studies page for social proof. This page showcases how businesses across different industries and use cases have successfully employed Hotjar to understand their users, improve UX, and create customer loyalty.

It shows Hotjar’s versatility by showcasing case studies from various industries, such as marketing agencies (360), e-commerce (Canyon), and conversion rate optimization agencies (Credo). This variety appeals to a broader audience and reinforces the idea that Hotjar is a solution that can cater to different business needs.

Each case study also highlights specific, measurable outcomes achieved by using Hotjar. These quantifiable results add credibility to the testimonials and give Hotjar more credibility.

Lastly, the page is well-organized, with straightforward navigation and filtering options based on industry, use case, and role. Potential customers can quickly find case studies relevant to their interests and needs.

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Build a Great SaaS Website

Your SaaS business’s website needs to balance design, content, and technology to drive real business results. However, potential customers won’t find it if you don’t optimize it for SEO.

From the homepage to the pricing page, every element needs to work hard. Like a well-oiled machine, each part should contribute to your overall goal of attracting, engaging, and converting your target audience.

But building a top-notch B2B SaaS website isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing process of optimization and improvement.

Consider partnering with a B2B SaaS marketing agency (like Stratabeat) that lives and breathes B2B SaaS websites. We can help you turn these insights into action, transforming your website into a business asset.